Finding an affirming therapist
Your identity matters. Full stop.
Here’s what you can expect from me:
During your first meeting, often called intake, or assessment, I will...
Talk to you about confidentiality and safety
Ask about your gender identity and sexual orientation
Ask for your chosen name and pronouns on their forms and during the intake
Ask you about where and when it’s safe to use your chosen name and pronouns
Ask you whether it’s okay to involve your parents/caregivers. (You always get to choose.)
Have awareness of LGBTQ+ organizations and resources in the area
In your therapy sessions, I therapist will...
Help you feel like you have control and agency, and feel totally safe working with them
Talk to you about either staying or coming out of “the closet." (You should never be pressured to come out to anyone.)
Work to understand all your identities (i.e., gender, sexuality, race, ability) and how they fit together
You deserve to have a therapist who...
Seems open to feedback
Makes you feel heard and validated
Helps you advocate for your needs, have difficult conversations, and navigate your various spaces (home, school, sports, etc.)
Makes you feel like you’re being well cared for